How To Kill Poison Ivy Plants With Bleach

How To Kill Poison Ivy Plants With Bleach – It Actually Works!

Poison ivy is a terrible plant to have in your yard. The plant can cause pain, itching, and severe discomfort once you have come in contact with this poisonous plant.

The poison ivy plant has urushiol, which is an oil that can cause extreme swelling and itchy rashes in many people.

The best thing to prevent the after-effects of poison ivy is to avoid the plant altogether.

This is easier said than done if poision ivy is found in your yard in abundance.

It grows fast and can spread far.

At least there are ways to kill poison ivy with a common household chemical that is most likely already in your laundry cupboard.

How To Kill Poison Ivy Plants With Bleach?

You can use straight bleach to get rid of poison ivy by putting it in a spray bottle and spray the plant. You can use a funnel to avoid any spills, as bleach will damage most surfaces it comes in contact with. If you have small poison ivy plants in your garden, 1 to 2 cups of bleach will do the job. If have larger plants that have spread far, then you will need a few more cups of bleach. Ensure you wear gloves, a mask, and protective clothing as bleach will burn the skin and your lungs if you inhale it. It will also bleach all clothing. Spray the plant liberally with your solution of bleach until the plant is quite wet. Refill the spray bottle as needed.

How To Use Bleach For Killing Poison Ivy Plants

Bleach is cheap and a homemade alternative to the more poisonous chemicals used to kill poison ivy, but it is very effective.

Poison ivy, sumac, and oak plants can all be killed with this solution.

Not to mention the other plants around, so be sure the bleach doesn’t drip too much onto the plants around the ivy.

You want to aim for a sunny, still day with no sign of rain for at least 24 hours after you spray.

Once the bleach is in your spray bottle, ensure you are well protected from the bleach and the poison ivy.

You do not want your skin come in contact with either.

Spray all the leaves and stems of the plant. Remember this may need to be repeated for stubborn or large plants.

If you see new growth appearing, be sure to get onto it fast before it has a chance to get out of control.

The bleach solution works by killing all the foliage first, which then causes the roots to starve as the plant cannot carry out its photosynthesis without any foliage.

Bleach is perfect for killing poison ivy, but it does have some downfalls, such as using it too much can cause it to build up, which will eventually interrupt the pH levels in your garden soil.

The bleach ends up breaking down into salt over time and too much salt is not good for garden soil.

Killing Poison Ivy Fast

Spraying with bleach will get the quickest results, but you do need to frequently check for new growth and reapply the bleach if needed.

You can also cut back the poison ivy, but it is a plant that will keep growing and will spread further nevertheless.

Therefore it is better to remove the whole plant altogether.

Digging up the plants can be very time-consuming. In addition, if the plants are still green, it can be hard to avoid them from brushing against your skin.

Bleach will cause the plant to shrivel and die, so it is easy to pick it up and dispose of it once the bleach has done its job.

On another note. Pet goats will eat poison ivy with no reaction. But I understand if not everyone is willing to invest in pet goats as a remedy for poison ivy.

So aiming to use bleach remains you fastest method of getting rid of poison ivy as long as you are looking for a home made remedy.

Is Poison Ivy Dangerous?

It certainly is. Poison ivy causes an allergic reaction known as urushiol-induced dermatitis.

There are a few people that are not allergic to poison ivy and will not develop symptoms when in contact with it.

However it is better to be safe than sorry and assume you are not one of these people.

And can always grow a sensitivity to it the more you are exposed to it.

Poison ivy cannot be burned, and if people inhale the smoke, the rash will develop inside the lining of your lungs and can cause fatal respiratory distress.

So burning poison ivy is nothing we would recommend.

If poison ivy is ingested, it can infect the airways and the digestive tract, which often results in death.

If your skin comes into contact with the ivy, you can use a poison ivy soap bar, which will help with the itching and swelling.

Removing The Poison Ivy Plant After Bleaching

It is important that once the plant is completely dead that you remove the whole plant from your yard.

All stems, leaves, and roots. You need to make sure you remove it all.

Protective equipment is important as even when the plant is dead, the oil remains poisonous for up to 5 years.

Place the plant in a plastic bag and put that in your bin right away.

Do not put this in your compost bin or anywhere else in your yard, as it will spread and become even more of a problem than before.

Frequently Asked Questions About How to Kill Poison Ivy with Bleach

What Is The Best Treatment To Cure A Poison Ivy Rash?

Most of the rashes will clear up on their own in a few weeks. Home remedies can help with the symptoms such as itching and pain. Consult your doctor as she or he can provide better treatment methods in case the symptoms get worse and you want your rash to clear up faster.

How To Identify A Poison Ivy Plant?

Poison ivy plants have a group of three leaves with a short leaf sitting at the base. The shortleaf attaches to a small branch that then connects to the core of the vine. The leaf in the middle of the three will most often have longer steam than the two on the side. If you do come in contact with a type fitting this description and you develop symptoms like itching and a rash, most likely it is poison ivy.

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